Construction paper, scraps from AIB wood shop, lazy susan bearings, found wood, motor, laundry pulleys, packing tape, blue tape, sewing needles, thumb tacks, vinyl records, styrofoam, general refuse, screws, tube belts, and dust
60” x 60” x 48”

23 seconds
Documentation of intermittently running sculpture as a part of the Artist in Residenc exhibition at LUCAD in 2014
In "long may you run", a chain of records are connected by rubber hose in order to produce several layers of sound. They are looping sounds of nature, typing, sounds of people reciting letters, Morse code, and music. You hear all these sounds along with the sounds of the motor and pulleys in motion. They emerge from scraps and humble materials and exist as a group of resonances that are organized into a haphazard and fragile amorphous object. There is not a pure form that emanates from it. Instead, a multiplicity of sounds is provided from a bricolage of scraps, leftovers, and obsolesced objects.

video clips of sweeping performance (located on various sites) with a two-way acrylic mirror cube structure (72" x 48" x 48") and broom

Illuminated injection molded channel letters, old and new wood
15' x 10" x 2'

Cardboard, packing tape, plastic wrap, glass pie-plate, tin pie-plate, clamp light, daylight bulb, bendy straw, table tennis ball, electrical chord, paint bucket, water, and clock radio
30" x 30" x 38"
Tympanic Observatory is a sculptural illustration of how the human ear works. It is comprised of easily accessible materials. The construction paper cone collects the sound which vibrates the drinking straw and causes the ping pong-ball to bob up and down in the bowl of water. A clamp light casts light though this bowl of water (as seen above) to cast a silhouette of the ripples on the ceiling. This was installed in the project room at Gallery Diet for theHere and Forever show in 2008.

2 minutes 59 seconds
Documentation of continuously running installation inside the project room space for Here and Forever atGallery Diet.

Salvaged AC gear motor from oscillating fan, moving box, standing lamp, wood scraps, packing tape, daylight bulb, light socket, lazy susan bearing, laundry pulley, electrical chords, rubberband, and radios
48” x 36” x 36”
Part of a body of work that paired kinetic planetariums made of moving boxes with radio sculptures that broadcast every station on the radio spectrum that can be received on location.

split screens of two different sculptures. sleepwalkers on the left as installed at the Boston MFA in 2007 and loomers (with rise radio sculptures) on the right as installed at Gallery Diet in 2008.

Found plastic jack'o'lantern, electric gear motor kit, lamp fixture, laundry pulley, lazy-susan bearing, found wood, daylight bulb
13” x 25” x 13"

Found aluminum coffee pot, electric gear motor kit, lamp fixture, laundry pulley, lazy-susan bearing, found wood, daylight bulb
13” x 19” x 13"

Found water jug, electric gear motor kit, lamp fixture,
Laundry pulley, lazy-susan bearing, wood, daylight bulb
11” x 24" x 11"

My installation of "sleepwalking" in the 2007 Travelling Scholars Show at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The audio is a little spotty. you are hearing 24 hobby gear motors running at 5 speeds.